July 15
This search has lost some of its charm.
The church we attended today met every item (but one) on my list, and both of the items on Ben’s list. It was just fine. Totally fine. Fine.
I didn’t love it. Ben did.

It’s entirely possible that there’s something wrong with my spirit. The word ornery springs to mind.
I will mention, though, the one thing that concerned me a bit. Looking through the bulletin, I counted a dozen or so events in the next several weeks. All but one were inward-facing: events for and about that church. A teacher training, a ministry fair, a baptism class, a family picnic—that sort of thing. Apparently these are working; this is the largest church in a tiny town, and according to the financial information posted in the bulletin, they are financially strong. It’s ironic, I suppose, that such a confirmed introvert is looking for a church with an outward-facing aspect. One of the perks of orneriness is ignoring contradictions like this.
Maybe next week.
Love it.